As an organization (whether for profit or not for profit) you are trying to accomplish…

We got a request to add a custom field to user profiles allowing multiple codes separated by commas and then add a select containing those codes to the checkout page. These codes were going to be used to add a cc: to pdf invoice emails being sent out separately.
Plugins Required
<?php /** // Add Billing Codes user profile field. Used as a comma deliniated list // See custom_override_checkout_fields() **/ add_filter( 'user_contactmethods', 'modify_contact_methods' ); function modify_contact_methods( $profile_fields ) { // Add new fields $profile_fields['billing_code'] = 'Billing Codes'; return $profile_fields; } /** // Add a billing code to the checkout screen. Customzied to show different values based on the // value of the User Field "Billing Code"|'billing_code' from modify_contact_methods() **/ add_filter( 'woocommerce_checkout_fields', 'custom_override_checkout_fields' ); function custom_override_checkout_fields( $fields ) { $billing_code = get_user_meta ( get_current_user_id() ); $billing_code = $billing_code['billing_code']['0']; if ( empty ( $billing_code ) ) { $num_billing_codes = 0 ; } else { $billing_code = explode ( ',', $billing_code ); $num_billing_codes = count ( $billing_code ); } $fields['billing']['billing_code'] = array( 'label' => __('Bill To', 'woocommerce'), 'placeholder' => _x('', 'placeholder', 'woocommerce'), 'required' => true, 'clear' => false, 'type' => 'select', 'class' => array('form-row-wide'), ); $i = 0; if ( $num_freshmed_billing_codes == 0 ) { $fields['billing']['billing_code']['type'] = 'text'; } elseif ( $num_billing_codes == 1 ) { $fields['billing']['billing_code']['options'] = array( $billing_code['0'] => __( $freshmed_billing_code['0'], 'woocommerce' ), ); } elseif ( $num_freshmed_billing_codes > 1 ) { $fields['billing']['billing_code']['options'][""] = __("Please Select Bill To" , 'woocommerce'); foreach ( $freshmed_billing_code as $code ) { $fields['billing']['billing_code']['options']["$code"] = __($code, 'woocommerce'); $i++; } } return $fields; } ?>
User Profile

Checkout Page

Element Inspector

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